CC Intergroup Keynotes 10/5/24

Cape Cod Intergroup  Keynotes from 10/5/2024 Meeting

1. Can’t make it to the Region Six Convention October 25-27th in Nashua, NH?
Zoom Tickets for Keynote Sessions are available!
Register for just $15 for all 3 sessions.

2. Nominations for Officers for the Cape Code Intergroup will be open until the November 2 intergroup meeting. Elections will be held at the meeting. All are welcome.

3. HOW SERVICE SAVES MY LIFE, a virtual workshop, will be sponsored by Cape Cod Intergroup on Sunday, November 10, 2024 Time: 1:00-4:00 PM ET See flyer for registration info. Download the flyer here.   For more information see the flyer at

4. Speaking of Service,  It’s that time of year for elections! And with elections comes rotation of service and a call for all members to step up to service. Why should I do service you may ask?

Perhaps you think “it’s really great that service is being done, but I don’t have time for that.” “I don’t like participating in organizations” or “I don’t like working on committees”. You may feel too shy or not good enough. You also may think you’re only here to lose weight, or gain weight, or stop behaviors around food that are harming your health.

You’ll find an answer to “Why Service” in a wonderful on-line flipbook “The Joy of Service” presented by OA.org
It’s free to read.

For me, service did safe my life. In the beginning of my recovery journey I did service by showing up and helping set up the room. In time, I was meeting leader, key holder, newcomer greeter, treasurer, sponsor, intergroup rep. and later zoom host!

Service gave me, a struggling newcomer with little self esteem, a reason to show up, a chance to feel part of, a commitment, and far less lonely and useless. Service was the extra motivation needed to keep coming back. And I was working the 12th step!

As I worked the Steps, service helped me grow up. I found that service was a safe place to recognize and confront the parts in me that weren’t functional and to practice a different way of interacting with the world. As a result, I can better listen to other’s opinions without judgment, appreciate group consensus without control, accept that I don’t know everything, and practice responsibility and follow through. Sometimes it means showing up although my ego and pride were hurt. I’m still a work in progress, and a better employee, partner, mom, daughter, and better community member because of service.

Step up to service now. And Come to our workshop November 10, 2024 to earn how service can save your life.

5. Next Intergroup meeting will be November 4, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. All are invited to attend.