Keynotes from the 5/4/24 Cape Cod Intergroup Meeting
- On-Line Donations: CCI is now accepting 7th Tradition contributions (or event donations) directly using a credit card or PayPal account using the secure PayPal donation link at Go to the website and click on link
An information sheet, with more details, is available on our website or through each meeting rep. Download it here.
- Save the Dates:
OA Fellowship Picnic –Sunday, 7/7 from 12n-1:30 pm, at Hyannis Green. BYO lunch and chair. Activities planned.
Annual CCI Retreat – Sunday, 9/22, at Camp Greenough, Yarmouth Port. - Where do your 7th Tradition contributions to CCI go? Website maintenance, PO Box rental, sending delegate to World Service Business Conference, Retreat/Public Information/Professional Outreach expenses, fees for two zoom accounts…to name a few.Come to any CCI meeting and learn more about the CCI budget
- Public Information Tip of the Month? Place notices of local meetings, or oa links ( or in church bulletins or community center bulletins
- Next CCI meeting: 6/1 at 11:30am. Everyone is invited to join us.