We accept online donations
The Cape Cod Intergroup offers the option of making 7th Tradition contributions and event donations directly using a credit card or PayPal account via the secure PayPal link below.
For your protection, transaction details are viewed only by the Intergroup Treasurer and account numbers are masked.
Your 7th Tradition contributions
All contributions received fund the OA Cape Cod Intergroup. All are welcome to attend the monthly Cape Cod Intergroup meeting on Zoom where use of these funds is decided by group conscience.
The intergroup also periodically distributes a percentage of the funds received to support OA Region 6 and OA World Service.
An informational handout for OA members and OA group treasurers is available here.
To make your donation:
1. Click the Donate button below
2. Enter the amount of the donation and choose PayPal or debit/credit card
3. You may elect to donate an additional amount to cover the transaction fee the Intergroup incurs on each transaction using the PayPal platform
4. You may specify a one-time or monthly donation
5. To attribute this contribution to a specific meeting or event, enter the meeting number, meeting name/day, or event in the field when prompted
6. Click Donate to complete the transaction
You will receive a transaction confirmation sent to the email address provided.
Questions? Email the Intergroup Treasurer at capecodoacontributions@gmail.com.
You may also make donations to your local OA meeting or to OA World Service (www.oa.org).
Thank you for your contributions to support OA in carrying the message to those who still suffer.