CC Intergroup Keynotes 11/2/24

Cape Cod Intergroup  Keynotes from 11/2/2024 Meeting

1. Newly Elected Officers for 2025:

Chair: Benis B

Treasurer: Gail M

Secretary: Gail D (Francine and Mary B available for alternative/backup)

Coordinator: Open, election deferred to December meeting

WSO delegate and alternative, election deferred to December meeting

Region 6 delegate and alternative, election deferred to December meeting

2.  IDEA Days 11/15-11/17 International Day Experiencing Abstinence (IDEA) encourages OA members worldwide to begin or reaffirm their abstinence from compulsive overeating. There are several virtual meetings and workshops being presented world wide. For more information see:

3. Thanksgiving November 28

See for thankathons + meetings

4. The next Intergroup meeting will be December 7th at 11:30 am. All are invited to attend.