CC Intergroup Keynotes 11/7/2023

Keynotes from the 11/1/23 Cape Cod Intergroup Meeting

1. CCI nominations continue for all Officer positions:  Chairperson, Coordinator, Treasurer, Secretary.  Elections will be held at the 11/1/23 CCI Meeting.  For information on Roles/Responsibilities go to:

2. WSO – Region 4 has voted to disband for lack of volunteers to their service positions.  Meetings in that Region will be looking for other Regions to join.

3. A motion to delete Policy #10 (Literature Committee) was approved.  Remaining Literature is available to Cape Cod OA residents for purchase at discounted prices.  More information will be coming to you soon.

4. Save the Date!  A Virtual presentation on Sponsorship will be held by our CCI on January 21st.